Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ages 5 and up, please

I frequently receive calls from mothers and fathers looking to enroll their child in martial arts class.  I always respond with the phrase, "tell me about your child".  One of the things I am trying to find out is the child's age.  As a matter of practice, I don't accept children under the age of 5. In the past, I have done a 2 lesson evaluation trial with a few 4 yr olds, but I often have to tell them to come back in about a year.  When explaining this over the phone, the question is always WHY?

First off, let me say that I appreciate the efforts of parents who are looking to get their child involved in such a rewarding activity.  However, as a parent, I must also say that you shouldn't be in a rush to become a soccer mom/dad, carting children around to multiple activities and sports.  There will be plenty of time for that.  For now, spend the time with your child, instilling the habits and values that you wish them to display when they are NOT being supervised by you.  These years will pass by very quickly.

Now, as to the reason why I don't accept children under the age of 5.  Its simply a matter of development.  Children below the ages of 5 generally have the following characteristics:

* becoming adept at motor skills
*some controlled starts and stops in motor movements
*will still have some tantrums
*language is still simplistic
*beginning to understand connection between language and actions, things
*does not readily communicate with peers, as compared to parents
*cannot estimate their own abilities accurately and may try dangerous tricks
*often impatient, and silly
*will change the rules to games while in the middle of play to satisfy need to win

Generally speaking, a child under the age is not yet able to focus for very long on the techniques and direction that is required of martial arts.  Also, they may be resistant to taking the direction, and instead be interested in doing Kung Fu "on their own terms" which cannot be allowed when the focus of the class is respect and self-discipline.  In addition, they may or may not be able to physically perform some of the techniques asked of them.

Between the ages of 5 and 7, a child can expect to see the following developmental milestones:

*able to perform fine motor skills (such as using a writing instrument correctly)
*be able to perform a series of motions in order to do a more complicated motor activity (like martial arts)
*develop more visual-motor coordination
*understands the rules of conversation and is able to talk and listen
*beginnings of being able to estimate own abilities

In short, a child that is at least 5 yrs old is mentally, physically, and emotionally ready to accept and meet the demands that is required of training in our martial arts program.  There are always exceptions to the rule, which is why I always offer a free 2 lesson trial to all students.  In 2 lessons I can tell whether the child is ready to perform what is asked, and if the child truly wants to be at our school. 

best to all,

Sifu Brian

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