Thursday, January 6, 2011

Would you like fries with that?

Had a few phone calls lately that have gone something like this...

"How much are your classes and what time are they?"

Me:  "Well, depending on what type of program you are looking for they can range from..... "

"What time?" (said impatiently)

Me: "Tell me about your child, starting with age and I can tell you which class times are available."

"He's Seven"

Me: "O.K. you can either bring him to a Mon/Wed class at .....   or a Tues/Thurs. class at ......"

"Don't you have anything else?" (in a whining tone)

Me:  "No, ma'am.  These are the available times.  Is there a reason why you would have trouble making it at any of these times?"

"I just wanted something later in the evening - it would be more convenient."

The call ended shortly after.  All I can think to comment is...

I'm sorry ma'am.  I'm sorry that you called and the only thing you were concerned about was the price and time.  I'm sorry that you didn't ask about the program or my credentials.  I'm also sorry that you seem to think that martial arts is just something for your child to do while you shop/have nails done/have alone time.  I'm sorry that although you are available, that my class schedule isn't as convenient for you as you like.  I'm sorry that I don't accommodate every single request that every single parent or customer has.  I'm VERY sorry that you don't seem to understand that the martial arts isn't about doing whatever you want.  In fact, its more about doing things that are sometimes tough, but that help you grow - mentally and physically.  I'm sorry that you have become so accustomed to having everything "your way". Burger King.  So I guess all I have left to say is....

Would you like fries with that?

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