Monday, January 31, 2011

Thoughts on independence and the world police

I typically try to steer away from conversations that are political in nature.  These days it seems that nearly everyone I know is polarized to either be a head-in-the-sand-obama-is-the-antichrist republican or a bleeding-heart-let's-give-away-our-assets-and-country-so-everyone-can-have-the-warm-fuzzies democrat.  Me?  I'm an independent.  Sometimes I vote democrat, sometimes I vote republican.  But that's besides the point.

I have held a belief for some time now that no matter how much we try to install a democratic government somewhere, that if the native people didn't have to fight and die for it, it probably won't take.  Apathy will prevail, corruption will prevail, the status quo will prevail.  Over the past week, I have watched as the people of Egypt have launched what we will probably one day call a revolution to oust their current leader.  Mubarak has been in charge for 30 years.  Our country has supported him because he helps keep the region "stable".  However, the people have had enough of the corruption and brutality.  Despite laws forbidding their street marches and protests, they buck the system.  Blood has been shed.  Several protesters have been killed at the hands of the police, many have been beaten and jailed.  They may never see the light of day again.  They have sacrificed their blood in the fight for justice and an end to tyranny.  If they succeed, and Mubarak steps down, I believe that Egypt will be forever changed - like us.  Just try and take their independence back from them.  Better be ready for a hell of a fight.
     Now look at Iraq and Afghanistan.  In Iraq we toppled the evil dictator who suppressed his people and committed genocide.  We set up an interim government and then implemented democratic elections.  We continue to see our soldiers die as they attempt to drive out insurgents in both countries.  In the meantime, what do we get from their installed governments?  Corruption, apathy and a lack of a real attempt to take charge of their own country and deal with the problems themselves.  If we left tomorrow?  They would probably see another dictator take over and the beginning of a new regime.  I don't think this new independence is valued the same as it would be if they were standing right beside us; working, fighting, and dying. 
     Although our forefathers fought and bled for our independence over 200 years ago, the IDEA of their sacrifice is still present in the American culture.  If anyone ever takes over our country, it won't be by force.  Every man, woman, and child would likely take up arms and fight.  We are a country of fighters.  We have more firearms per capita than any other country in the world.  Why?  Simple.  Because we can.  Its our right to, and men have died to protect that right.   In fact, it may well be an obligation to own a firearm to protect ourselves from an unjust government.  Its what our country's founders believed.  But no, if the United States ever changes to a monarchy/dictatorship/Islamic republic, it will likely be a very gradual process.  A gradual fleecing of us all. 

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